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Wednesday, August 31 2016
Highway fatalities in the United States rose by 7.2 percent last year, bringing the total number of deaths to more than 35,000. This puts 2015 ahead with the highest one-year increase since 1966 when fatalities rose by 8.1 percent. 

NHTSA attributed the rise in highway deaths to increased driving because of job growth and cheaper gasoline prices, in addition to increased driving by young people. Nearly 50 percent of those killed weren’t wearing their seat belts. Drunk driving, speeding and distraction from mobile devices also contributed to the alarming increase with almost one in three fatalities involving drunk drivers or speeding and one in 10 fatalities involving distraction, reports revealed. 

“The data tell us that people die when they drive drunk, distracted, or drowsy, or if they are speeding or unbuckled,” said NHTSA Administrator Mark Rosekind. “While there have been enormous improvements in many of these areas, we need to find new solutions to end traffic fatalities.” In response to the increase in traffic deaths, DOT, NHTSA, and the White House are issuing a call to action to involve researchers, safety experts and data scientists in helping to determine the causes of the increase. 

“Despite decades of safety improvements, far too many people are killed on our nation’s roads every year,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. “Solving this problem will take teamwork, so we’re issuing a call to action and asking researchers, safety experts, data scientists, and the public to analyze the fatality data and help find ways to prevent these tragedies.”
Tuesday, August 30 2016
Drowsy-driving dangers - Fatigue-related fatal and injury crashes cost a staggering $109 billion a year, not including property damage.

The decision to get behind the wheel or stay on the road despite feeling drowsy can be deadly. A new report from the Governors Highway Safety Association points out that nearly 83.6 million sleep-deprived Americans are driving every day. And it’s taking a toll — an estimated 5,000 lives were lost in drowsy driving-related crashes in 2015. In March 2015, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced the agency would take a comprehensive approach to preventing the tragedies attributed to driver drowsiness or fatigue.

The NTSB added human-fatigue to its current list of most wanted transportation safety improvements just this year. Clearly, the nation’s lack of sleep and its impact on driving is a threat to all drivers on the road and contributes to the increasing number auto insurance claims. The challenge is educating and engaging the public in order to create behavior change. Crashes involving sleepy drivers often involve a driver traveling alone at night, are likely to result in serious injury or death, typically involve a single vehicle leaving the roadway, and usually there is no evidence of braking. Drowsy drivers have slower reaction times, impaired judgment, increased levels of risk taking, and loss of visual awareness. Teens and young adults are particularly vulnerable.

You should practice the following safety tips to avoid becoming a drowsy driver statistic. Schedule frequent breaks on long trips, stop every two hours or 100 miles. Be well rested before hitting the road. Avoid driving between midnight and 7 am. Don't drive alone. Don't drink alcohol and don't rely on caffeine to keep you awake.
Monday, August 29 2016

Americans Put Too Much Faith in Homeowners Insurance

Too few Americans take steps to prepare for disasters and too many assume their home insurance policies will bail them out if one strikes. As disaster season peaks, a new national consumer survey reveals that many homeowners lack adequate insurance coverage, do not fully understand their homeowners policies and do not have enough savings to support their households in the event of a disaster.

At least 73 percent of respondents don’t have a flood insurance policy, more than 40 percent of those surveyed don’t have or don’t know if they have coverage that will fully replace their belongings and home in the event of a disaster, and less than one-third of respondents have an up-to-date and complete home inventory stored away from their premises.

With almost three-quarters of respondents lacking proper flood insurance coverage, they are completely vulnerable and have no protection from damage caused by rising water. It is very troubling—with flooding being so pervasive and hurricane season in full swing—that this large majority of homeowners is risking everything. A little planning and knowledge can go a long way. 

More than one-fifth of survey respondents didn’t know whether they have replacement cost coverage for their belongings and home (which allows them to replace lost possessions with new items) or if they have actual cash value coverage (which takes depreciation of the structure and personal items into consideration). In most standard homeowners policies actual cash value is the default coverage. The survey shows that only 58 percent have replacement cost coverage. The risk of financial ruin in the event of a major disaster is significantly higher for those homeowners who have only actual cash value coverage because they cannot fully recoup their losses.

Friday, August 26 2016
Homeowners insurance provides coverage in the event of damage to your property, as well as liability for injuries and damage you cause to other people.

Homeowners insurance policies provide broad coverage for losses to your home, your personal belongings, and detached structures on your property. It also provides protection in the event of an injury to people on your property. While homeowners insurance is comprehensive coverage, there are some things it does not cover. That is why we take the time to get to know our clients, to understand their needs, and then we craft a comprehensive risk management program for them.
Friday, August 26 2016

Flood is excluded under every homeowners' policy. Coverage may only be obtained under a policy with National Flood Insurance Program or through a private flood insurance carrier. When purchasing coverage to repair or rebuild your home, make sure purchase enough to cover the full cost.

Monday, August 22 2016

The National Weather Service, the National Hurricane Center, and the Collier County Bureau of Emergency Services offer a system of watches and warnings in the event of a storm. Tune to FoxNews 92.5 FM and WGCU 90.1 FM for up to date watches and warnings. Also, the National Weather Service broadcasts continually over NOAA Weather Radio at 162.525 mHz.

Monday, August 22 2016
It's Hurricane Season. Are you prepared? To minimize losses in the event of a hurricane you should have a safety plan: 

1. Know your evacuation Route - where will you go if the streets are flooded and an evacuation is ordered. Visit for more information. For evacuation routes and shelters

2. Prepare a hurricane evacuation kit.

3. Make arrangements for your pets.

4. Cover and brace your windows, doors, and openings.

5. Stay away from downed power lines.
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